How to Get Around Resistance
We learn that narcissists and all the evil in this world can lead to resistance; a force that will try and trick us into giving up and giving into the demands of the narcissistic matrix. Trauma healing includes learning how to get around resistance caused by narcissism so we do heal and get things done that need to get done for God's glory.
Resistance is another favorite trick of the devil to try and force us to go along with the crowd inside the fallen world instead of focusing on God's purpose for us. We live in a narcissistic world where evildoers want us to be like them and stay inside their web of deceit to make them feel better. The resistance they cause is by being a hindrance to our progress in any area of our lives. Want to work out and get in shape? It will be challenging being able to do that consistently when around narcissists.
Want to re-organize your finances? Again, another challenge with that when around narcissists. Resistance is a strong force too but not so strong that we cannot get around it with God. A significant way we get around the resistance is by being aware of it when it is occurring. Plus, never forget that when narcissism causes resistance, the resistance is just a challenge that can be overcome as all challenges can be overcome when away from narcissists. I talk about how narcissism causes resistance in this YouTube video.
We can sense resistance when it occurs as we become stronger in spirit because it is a type of pull that isn't righteous and feels very low vibrational with a hint of a controlling factor. One of the many ways we can get around this resistance once we are aware of it is to explore all options available to solve the 'problem.' Resistance often presents as a problem. Another way to get around the resistance is to think outside the box. A great example is when you need to accomplish a goal but things start to go weird because a narcissist is trying to get your attention.
When a narcissist is trying to get your attention (ie. phone notifications or monitoring spirits), learn to ignore them and go ahead with your plans to accomplish your goals outside of the normal environment. Meaning, if your goal is to walk 4 miles and you normally would do so in a certain area, change that area! Get out of the sight of monitoring spirits and find somewhere else to walk your 4 miles where a narcissist cannot see you so they cannot distract you. Getting around resistance is one of many ways God has us switch things up!
Another way for getting around resistance is to be less predictable by switching things up from time to time. If you are into walking it is a great idea to search for multiple locations like parks and hiking trails that will allow you to be in nature and away from narcissists so that resistance will not prevent you from reaching your walking goals. You can apply the same concept to any goal you are looking to accomplish while getting around any resistance caused by narcissism. As we continue to find ways around resistance, we become wiser and stay three steps ahead of the devil and his narcissists!
Never forget that you have the power and authority inside of you from God to tell the evil narcissists to take a hike in Jesus's name. We do not have to sit around and allow resistance to overtake us. We overcome it! You can always learn more about this ministry and narcissism by subscribing to CHA's YouTube channel. Love and light. always.
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